Another New Beam
October 20, 2008

Part of our upstairs bathroom remodel included putting a new beam in the ceiling above the living room to help carry the load of the new bathroom and dormer. Personally, I think it was overkill, but that's what the structural engineer said we needed, and I put it in the plans we turned in for the building permit. So we had to do it. It turned out to be easier than we expected, but still took a day to do.

Here is the beam in the garage. It's made up of three gluelam beams nailed together for a finished size of 5 1/4 in by 7 1/4 in by 15 ft.

Luckily we had a relitively easy spot to install it. We were able to slide it in over the beam in the kitchen.

It took some work to get all the nails out of the way (the beam kept hitting them) that were holding the upstairs floor down, but we eventually got it all the way in past this point.